Wednesday 22 November 2017

What Is Computer ?

As we know that computer is an electronic device / electronic machine consist of digital circuitry which is used to perform tasks on the basis in set of instruction / programs given by user. In others words we can say that computer is an electronic machine which takes data as input and produce output after processing data.
With Computers we can perform many functions like writing programs, developing software, browsing internet, watching movies, playing games, arithmetic calculations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division), logical operations (Compassion, Matching, Merging, Less Than, Greater than, Less than equal to, greater than equal to)

How Computer Works ?

Here we will discuss about step by step procedure of how computer works ?

Step 1 : Firstly, Computer Takes Raw Data as Input From USER through input device.

Important Point To Remember : Computer Takes Input From User Written in High Level Language(HLL).

Step 2 : Store Input Data Into Memory.

Step 3 : Convert Input data into computer understandable language called Machine Level Language (MLL) / Low Level Language.

Important Point : Computer Understand Low Level Language / Machine Level Language.

Step 4 : Perform desired operation on input data given by user.

Step 5 : Produce Output on output device.


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